Should GLP-1 Drugs Be Covered? 4 Facts for Employers to Consider

There's a surge in demand for drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy, and Zepbound for weight loss. If you’re an employer considering whether to cover these drugs for your employees, taking a comprehensive look at your healthcare coverage can help you decide. Read More

Capital Blue Cross
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Should GLP-1 Drugs Be Covered? 4 Facts for Employers to Consider
Should GLP-1 Drugs Be Covered? 4 Facts for Employers to Consider
There's a surge in demand for drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy, and Zepbound for weight loss. If you’re an employer considering whether to cover these drugs for your employees, taking a... Read More
Capital Blue Cross
5 Ways to Help Improve Maternal Health in the Workplace
5 Ways to Help Improve Maternal Health in the Workplace
One mom’s story illustrates how maternal health apps offered by Capital Blue Cross can help with parenting. But the apps also assist with healthy pregnancies, a pressing need in a... Read More
Jerry Reimenschneider
4 Ways to Help Employees with Chronic Pain
4 Ways to Help Employees with Chronic Pain
Conditions that cause chronic pain can do more than hurt physically; they can also carry hefty mental and financial costs. But employers have options to help with all that hurt. Read More
Jerry Reimenschneider
Aphasia Impacts Communication, Not Intellect: 5 Ways Employers Can Help
Aphasia Impacts Communication, Not Intellect: 5 Ways Employers Can Help
Strokes or brain injuries leave a million Americans struggling to properly process language. But their intellect is not impacted, and employers can make modifications to help. Read More
Jerry Reimenschneider
Melanoma: The Less Common but More Dangerous Skin Cancer
Melanoma: The Less Common but More Dangerous Skin Cancer
Melanoma is diagnosed far less often than nonmelanoma skin cancers, but is up to four times more fatal. One woman’s experience illustrates its danger, and the perils of overexposure to... Read More
Jerry Reimenschneider
Lifestyle Changes Can Reduce Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease
Lifestyle Changes Can Reduce Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease
About 37 million people in the U.S. live with chronic kidney disease, and about 40% of those in the earliest stages of the disease are unaware they have it. Fortunately,... Read More
Capital Blue Cross
Mom’s Tough Love Pushed Her to Put Down the Drink – and Pick Up Her Life
Mom’s Tough Love Pushed Her to Put Down the Drink – and Pick Up Her Life
Excessive alcohol use claims the lives of more than 6,600 Pennsylvanians annually and costs the U.S. economy billions. One woman’s story illustrates both the disease’s danger and recovery’s promise. Read More
Jerry Reimenschneider
Having and Using Dental Coverage Benefits Overall Health
Having and Using Dental Coverage Benefits Overall Health
Poor dental care not only raises the risk for several serious medical issues, it also costs families and businesses. Americans lose 92.4 million hours of work or school each year... Read More
Michael Race

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